April 2016 – New Eller Group Website!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website! We recently partnered with FreshySites – Website Design with the task of sprucing up our website in order to enhance our web presence, and they certainly delivered! The updated design better showcases our breadth of experience and scope of services.

The modern, one-page layout is sharp and easy to navigate, allowing our visitors the ability to find the information they are searching for without hassle. Most importantly, we are able to highlight featured projects in a highly functional and visually appealing portfolio, showcasing our wide range of our services and expansive service areas.

Our new online portfolio allows prospective and current clients to sort by industry which enables them to immediately view projects that fall within their field. Visitors are also able to further explore projects that spark their interest, as an overview of the scope of work and project specifications are also easily accessible.

We are very excited to continue representing Eller Group and further engaging our visitors with updates and highlights through our fresh new website.